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ICH Homeopathy in Pandemics Policy Statement August 2021


Homeopathy is a traditional therapeutic system distinct from other therapies.  Its patient-centred approach does not target the infectious agent, but aims at restoring natural vitality facilitating the body to produce an appropriate immune response.

Homeopathic remedies are medicinal agents administered according to each individual's symptoms, or in the case of epidemics or pandemics, according to the collective disease phenomena.

Homeopathy has a long history of successfully addressing infectious diseases in this way, including past epidemics and pandemics of scarlet fever, cholera and the "Spanish flu."  (Ref)

Furthermore, given the individualized nature of treatment, homeopathy has great potential in the management of long-term conditions and post-infection syndromes.

With a variety of therapeutic treatment options needed in epidemics, particularly in emerging infectious diseases, an investigation of complementary modalities such as homeopathy seems not only justified but necessary.

Research and analysis demonstrates that homeopathy provides a pragmatic and affordable treatment in the management of pandemics, which would serve also to alleviate some of the burden on healthcare infrastructure in each of our countries.

ICH advocates for the maintenance of integrity in the profession of homeopathy to gain wider recognition and understanding of its use as a promising, safe and sustainable therapeutic system during a global health crisis. The global community can benefit greatly from integrating and acknowledging this system of therapeutics.

The ICH fully endorses any and all research in homeopathic treatments to address pandemics.

The ICH strongly advises member associations to comply with legal regulations in their respective countries while encouraging engagement and cooperation with other sectors and professions in addressing situations of public health.



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